All prices are quoted per project. You can get an estimate for your requirements by contacting beachwood through the contacts page either by phone, letter, email, or using our standard web-based form.
beachwood will then consider how we can meet your needs and we will be able to offer suggestions from our wide range of experience. It costs nothing to enquire of beachwood but can result in a quality bespoke product to your particular specification or requirements.
You can best reach beachwood by mobile phone during the day, by land-line in the evening, or by email or our web enquiry form at any time. We look forward to receiving your enquiry.
When you contact beachwood, we will provide you with a free no-obligation quote which will be our price to you for the work.
Please use the form below, or contact us directly.
For standard terms and conditions,
please contact beachwood directly.
Thank you.
Based in Hastings England. Tel: +44(0)1424 443 515
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